BLNKT Mon, 29 Jun 2020 23:18:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Remembering Milton Glaser Mon, 29 Jun 2020 22:39:07 +0000 The post Remembering Milton Glaser appeared first on BLNKT.

Remembering Milton Glaser
Milton Glaser. Photo: Neville Elder/Corbis/Getty Images

The legendary graphic designer and co-founder of New York magazine, Milton Glaser, passed away on June 26th at age 91.


One of Glaser’s most recognizable works is his I Love New York logo which he designed in 1977. He was also well known for his poster designs — one of his first and most renowned posters was the psychedelic Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits poster.


If you haven’t already seen it (or even if you have) we recommend watching Milton Glaser’s TED Talk below. In it he offers an insight into his creative approach (and sense of humor) as he muses on what makes a convincing poster, by breaking down an idea and making it new.

Dive deeper into Milton’s wisdom and read about the 10 things he learned, which was part of an AIGA talk he gave in London in 2001.

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Your new City Host for The Design Kids LA Thu, 26 Sep 2019 19:38:36 +0000 The post Your new City Host for The Design Kids LA appeared first on BLNKT.

The Design Kids LA City Host

We’re very excited to be the new Los Angeles City Host for The Design Kids.


We’re kicking things off next week with our first #TDKtuesdays event at The Semi-Tropic in Echo Park. Come join us for a drink, grab some food if you like, and meet other creatives. It’ll be good chance to chat about the kinds of events you want to see in the coming months too.


Not sure what #TDKtuesdays is all about? It’s a no-pressure, beginners welcome, hi-fives encouraged anti-networking event on the first Tuesday of every month.


It’s a great place for design students, graduates and professionals to meet other design students, graduates and professionals, have a chat, swap notes, get involved and just generally build a bigger and better design community in their cities. If you are shy and “networking” (dirty word) is hard, this is a easy place to start. Grab a friend and come say hi!


RSVP to the event here.

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A new website for Yeah Girl Sat, 18 May 2019 19:35:44 +0000 The post A new website for Yeah Girl appeared first on BLNKT.

Yeah Girl website

Yeah Girl began as an exhibition featuring photos of female skateboarders shot by female photographers around the world.


After three years of exhibitions across three continents, over 10 girls skate sessions hosted, and multiple brand collaborations, Yeah Girl grew into a global media platform celebrating the intersection of women’s skateboarding and creativity.


To align with Yeah Girl’s mission to spotlight women within skateboarding, we designed a clean and minimal site that showcases editorial content.



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New York skateboarding in the 1960s Tue, 22 Jan 2019 17:29:57 +0000 The post New York skateboarding in the 1960s appeared first on BLNKT.

NYC skating in the 60s by Bill Eppridge

In the 1960s Bill Eppridge photographed New Yorker’s skateboarding for the first time, capturing the pure joy and exhilaration experienced by people with no preconceived idea of what skateboarding is.

NYC skating in the 60s by Bill Eppridge
Photos by Bill Eppridge for Life Magazine
Photos by Bill Eppridge for Life Magazine
NYC skating in the 60s by Bill Eppridge

All photos by Bill Eppridge for Life Magazine. You can view more photos from this series and see the original magazine spreads over here.

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On the court with Ena Shibahara Sat, 29 Dec 2018 04:36:15 +0000 The post On the court with Ena Shibahara appeared first on BLNKT.

On the court with Ena Shibahara

To finish off 2018, BLNKT hit the courts with professional tennis player Ena Shibahara to capture her in action. We’re currently working on a new website for Ena, which will launch in early 2019.

Tennis photography
Professional tennis player Ena Shibahara

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Sk8BAE Fundraiser and SLMBR Party Launch Mon, 17 Dec 2018 22:47:45 +0000 The post Sk8BAE Fundraiser and SLMBR Party Launch appeared first on BLNKT.

SLMBR Party logo

On Saturday, Skate Like A Girl hosted their annual SK8BAE Fundraiser in the Bay Area. The event also doubled as the soft launch of SLMBR Party, an apparel brand brought to you by the legendary Vanessa Torres and Kim Woozy, and proudly branded by BLNKT.

Vanessa Torres at the SK8BAE fundraiser and SLMBR Party launch
SLMBR Party founder, Vanessa Torres, in the black tee. Photo: Nam Chi Van
Ashley Masters at the SK8BAE fundraiser and SLMBR Party launch
Ashley Masters rocking the SLMBR Party long sleeve tee. Photo: Nam Chi Van

This is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more from SLMBR Party in the new year.

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Welcome to the new BLNKT website Sun, 30 Sep 2018 20:25:20 +0000 The post Welcome to the new BLNKT website appeared first on BLNKT.

BLNKT Agency has a new website

Woah! Inception…


Welcome to our new website! We’ve been bringing this baby to life for a little while now and we’re excited to finally share it with the world. Keep checking back as we add more of our latest work and share stories (and music, and gossip etc.) from the studio.

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